EventsMelanie Dixon on "The Art of Close Reading": Ōtautahi Author Fest

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Melanie Dixon on "The Art of Close Reading": Ōtautahi Author Fest

2:00 PM – 3:30 PM
South Colombo


NZSA Childrens Literature Hub and Christchurch City Libraries presents: Melanie Dixon on “The Art of Close Reading”

Everyone is welcome to join this meeting of the New Zealand Society of Authors Childrens Literature Hub at South Library, where author Melanie Dixon will be running a workshop on Close Reading:

One of the most important skills to learn as writers is how to read other people’s work (closely) so we can learn what works and what doesn’t work. This is a key skill in understanding story and character development. It is also a way to study the details of language use on the page.”

This workshop will discuss the art of close reading and introduce strategies to help writers develop these skills.

You can find more about our talented presenter here: Melanie Dixon – Writer, Adventurer, Photographer

Free, no bookings required.

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